Wednesday, October 12, 2005

So Many Books, So Little Time

As far back as I can remember, I've operated in a gray area of acceptable societal norms: the jock who can't keep his nose out of a book. Ahh, books! I've always been fascinated by every aspect of the industry -- how do authors get their brilliant ideas on paper in a coherent way, how are the army of supporters (like editors, photographers, cover artists) coordinated, how are books manufactured and marketed, how cool is it to get royalty checks in the mail?

But the whole idea of becoming an "author" is both daunting and frustrating. How do the seemingly limitless number of book ideas rummaging around my head and written down on sticky notes and the backs of napkins jive with a long-cycle, high overhead industry? I recently ran across a model that may provide an answer and at the same time make the whole book publishing industry increasingly irrelevant.

More Space is a book project that:

"...presents nine current business bloggers writing in their own unique styles. Each author challenges the premise that places of business can only be cold and uninspiring. By sharing their own experiences they offer up ways for you to re-ignite passion and enthusiasm in your work."

Can't diss the premise and topic for sure but what I really like about the project is the intent to offer a variety of formats (pdf, html, mp3, hardcover), license the works using Creative Commons, provide an initial run of the hardcover version with stuff you can't get in the free versions, and find a "business model" that fits consumer needs and pays for itself including compensation for the authors (prominent bloggers in this case).

Hmm, now where did I put all of those napkins and sticky notes ...?

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